Using [Far 2 + ConEmu]?
Here is the solution how to run new command in Far Manager 2 targeting the new ConEmu console.
Download and run this file to add macros for Far into the registry.
Now use ALT+SHIFT clicking ENTER on any item you wish to run in the new ConEmu console of the same ConEmu which runs Far. If command line is empty item under cursor on the file panel is running otherwise the command line typed in the text field under the panels is running.
The macro runs these commands adding the "-new_console" in the command line. The feature is working if ConEmu has been setup to intercept command line commands (you may check it in the settings, by default it is).
Download and run this file to add macros for Far into the registry.
Now use ALT+SHIFT clicking ENTER on any item you wish to run in the new ConEmu console of the same ConEmu which runs Far. If command line is empty item under cursor on the file panel is running otherwise the command line typed in the text field under the panels is running.
The macro runs these commands adding the "-new_console" in the command line. The feature is working if ConEmu has been setup to intercept command line commands (you may check it in the settings, by default it is).