понедельник, 30 ноября 2020 г.

WSDL optimization tool

Some WSDLs are huge but are necessary to use for testing. For example SforceService.wsdl is huge and takes almost a minute to load in some tools and also it will cause unnecessaary delays on each call in runtime (e.g. I needed to wait about 10-15 minutes to complete a test which had many service calls in the application I develop). Here is the wsdl-optim WSDL optimization tool written on Java allowing to cut out everything else besides particular operations used including all related definitions. Also it can be used to cut off forgotten unused in any operation definitions. Known issues: when actual type can be successor of some other type (contains "base" attribute link to the parent) it can be cut by the tool as it cuts out all unreferenced directly types thus all childs too if there is no explicit link to them

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